Why Healthcare Workers Should Be Considered “Forever Heroes”


Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered as a major health crisis that impacted the world in our lifetime and affected future generations. Almost all governments imposed strict regulations to prevent the spread of this highly infectious disease. People were forced to stay in their homes and keep social distance, wear masks, and get vaccinated. 

While nearly everyone was doing their best to avoid the disease, a special group of people at the forefront was fighting this disease. Frontline healthcare workers played a critical role from the onset in saving lives. They served as the human bridge between infected patients who were hospitalized or suffered the loss of loved ones.

Although they received praise and recognition during the pandemic, it was short-lived. Unfortunately, most people were so concerned with getting back to life in the “new normal” that they forgot the true impact that frontline workers made to healthcare organizations, families, communities, and humanity.  

Now that workers are leaving the profession as part of the “Great Resignation”, it is important to remember and honor them for their contributions. Here are three reasons healthcare workers should be lauded as forever heroes.

They Help Save Lives

The first reason is the noble act of saving lives. Healthcare workers will never forget how the first wave of COVID-19 claimed uncountable lives. Although they were uncertain what they were dealing with, including how to help infected people quarantined for special care, they rose to the occasion. They had to cut ties with their close ones to save lives of others loved ones.

Most frontline workers weren’t even allowed to interact with their loved ones who were infected. Although doctors, nurses, support staff, and frontline workers worked tirelessly to stabilize conditions and provide quality care, they suffered the trauma of watching colleagues die, and dealt with the harsh reality of risking their own safety and that of their families. Despite the fear, trauma, uncertainty, and loss of life, they still pressed on.

Overworked and Overwhelmed

Another reason we should consider healthcare workers “forever heroes” is that they were forced to work day and night and attend to large patient backlogs. Many hospitals and healthcare facilities were overwhelmed by the volume of patients.

Some even stopped admitting patients because their staff couldn’t take care of them. Healthcare workers were sleep-deprived, overworked, and overwhelmed. The fact that they managed to work on the frontline of this unprecedented global health care pandemic speaks volumes about their courage, character, and commitment.  

Increased Risk of Infection

The final reason has to do with the increased risk of infection they had to face. When most people could choose to stay and work from home, frontline healthcare workers didn’t have that choice. Instead, they were occupied caring for patients infected with the virus, regardless of whether they had adequate PPEs. 

There were some who were forced to self-isolate for days or weeks, to protect their loved ones from this novel virus. And there were some who chose to stay and serve on the “frontline” to deliver essential services that helped save lives. They fought even in the face of fear, death, and uncertainty. Many of these heroes never backed down but continued to battle.

Why We Must Continue to Treat Frontline Workers Like Heroes

We celebrated our healthcare workers with activities like social media likes, asynchronous concerts, and sidewalk chalk. But was that even enough considering how much time, effort, skills, and experience they put into the fight against the virus?

Here we are in the year 2022 and there is still more that needs to be done to support our healthcare workers. Besides the three reasons mentioned above, frontline workers are dealing with issues such as pay cuts, job loss, low employee morale, workplace burnout, and problems of violence, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

These factors, among several others, continue to drive the massive resignations in the healthcare sector. Healthcare labor shortages, including senior living and direct care, are quickly spiraling into a national healthcare crisis.

Something needs to be done. These professional care “givers” should be offered care and wellness support to help them manage burnout, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and workplace challenges.

For many of them, their daily responsibilities for people’s lives (and deaths) have led to hopelessness and psychological trauma. Yet they carry on and never ask for help. 

Why? Because they are care “givers” at heart who feel the need to serve and desire to make a difference.  

Final Thoughts

Despite all their efforts, sacrifices, and hard work, many frontline workers continue to deal with unspeakable trauma that haunts them to this day. While many have resigned for personal and professional reasons, there is still a large remnant of these silent heroes who soldier on.

Although they dealt with the reality of losing some battles, we cannot compare or forget the struggles that we have won because of their sacrifices and generous hearts.

And for these three reasons, including hundreds unmentioned, frontline healthcare workers should be treated like the “Forever Heroes” that they are and will always be.  

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